California Classical Association, Northern Section (Revised and Approved, August 21, 2021)
A. The officers of the Northern Section shall be a president, a vice president, a secretary, a newsletter editor, a treasurer, webmaster, and past president.
B. The officers shall be elected for two-year terms by the approval of the membership at the Spring Meeting; the terms of the secretary, treasurer, and webmaster are renewable upon approval of the Board.
C. Duties of officers:
1. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings; to call meetings of the executive board when necessary; to supervise the activities of the Northern Section; to conduct the business correspondence; and to arrange the program for the two years served as president with the assistance of the executive board. 2. It shall be the duty of the Vice President to assist the president at all times; to preside at meetings in the absence of the president; to be responsible for the design and production of the program for conferences; and to prepare to assume the duties of president for the standard two-year term. 3. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to take the minutes of all meetings; to keep an accurate list of members of the executive board; and to maintain official archives of the minutes. 4. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to collect and disburse all monies; to keep a list of all members and notify them of the meetings; to provide a summary report of revenues and expenses at each meeting of the executive board; and to provide a bi-annual summary report for publication in the newsletters; to check emails regularly; to email the newsletter to the membership; and to notify the membership of events via email. 5. It shall be the duty of the Newsletter Editor to collect submissions and materials for the Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter newsletters; to collate said submissions into a newsletter document; to provide drafts of each newsletter to the general Board for review in advance of e-publication; and to provide a final copy of each newsletter to the webmaster for posting to the CCA-North website.
5. It shall be the duty of the Webmaster to maintain the CCA-North website and to publish material approved by the Board including announcements of the fall and spring conferences, providing links to the newsletter, award opportunities, membership, resources, and contact information onto the website.
A. The affairs of the Northern Section shall be administered by an executive board.
B. The executive board shall consist of the officers and the following: at least three (3) and not more than six (6) members-at-large elected for two-year renewable terms and reflecting representative membership among K-12 faculty, university faculty, and the wider community.
C. The president, vice president and immediate past president shall serve as the nominating committee.
D. To fill a vacancy on the executive board, the president shall appoint a member, subject to the approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the executive board. Members-at-large need not be replaced if the vacancy leaves at least three such members remaining on the executive board.
E. The election of officers and members-at-large shall occur every two years at the spring meeting of the Northern Section.
F. In the event of a vacancy in the office of president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, newsletter editor, or webmaster, the executive board shall appoint a replacement to fill the office for the remainder of that term, subject to the subsequent approval of two-thirds of the membership at the next regular meeting of the association.
G. The executive board shall meet at least three time per year to plan conferences and toconduct the business of the organization.
H. Every effort should be made to ensure that major teaching and geographical areas are represented on the executive board.
1. The fiscal year will run from September 1 to August 31.
2. Dues cover one year of full membership, running from the date of payment; dues must be renewed annually in order to retain active membership status. 3. Membership categories and dues shall be recommended by the executive board and set by the membership at the Spring meeting of the Northern Section for the following Fall.
1. Meetings shall be held twice a year on dates to be determined by the executive board. Registration fees and other charges are to be set by the executive board. Meetings may be either virtual or in-person as determined by the executive board. Likewise, registration fees may be waived and/or reduced to the status of suggested donations should the board deem that to be in the best interests of its constituency.
2. In-person: Invited speakers are guests of the Association at luncheon and will be offered an honorarium. Travel and lodging expenses for any speaker may be paid at the discretion of the executive board.
3. Virtual: Invited speakers will be offered an honorarium but not travel expenses.
4. Amounts from the registration fees collected for each meeting may be allocated by the executive board to the following: A. the Richard Trapp Grant-in-Aid Award; B. the Junior Classical League; C. the National Committee for Latin and Greek; D. representation at the annual ACL Institute; E. any other special fund of the Association or outside group whose activities are consistent with the purpose of the Association.
5. California Classical Association, Northern Section, does not endorse directly or by implication any foreign travel program.
1. Portfolios, long term assignments which include the newsletter, the web page, representation at the Foreign Language Association of Northern California (FLANC), chairmanship of the Marian McNamara Scholarship committee, and sometimes Laetaberis, shall be assumed by willing members of the board. A general member who assumes any of these portfolios shall be appointed a member-at-large.
2. The executive board shall appoint such other committees as may be needed for the Northern Section.
1. A distinguished service award may be offered annually to an individual or organization who has served the cause of Classics.
2. Richard Trapp Grant-in-Aid may be offered by the executive board to assist particular members in furthering their knowledge of the Classics or methods of teaching.
3. The Marian McNamara Scholarship will be offered annually to a high school senior who plans to continue the study of Classics in college. The selection of the awardee will be determined by an ad hoc committee and based on merit. 4. A Student Writing Contest will recognize a piece of writing that addresses a general interest in Classics to a wide audience of Classics scholars and enthusiasts, and that is accurate, engaging and elegant. The selection of the awardee will be determined by an ad hoc committee and based on merit.
5. All awards and grants-in-aid will be processed on a rolling basis, until such time as all monies available are awarded for a particular fiscal year.
The rules of procedure in all meetings shall be Robertʼs Rules of Order.
These bylaws may be amended at any general meeting of the Northern Section by a vote of fifty percent (50%) plus one of the members present, provided that the text of the proposed amendment(s) is made available to the members in advance of the meeting.