Students Classics Writing Contest
This award recognizes a piece of writing that addresses a general interest in Classics to a wide audience of Classics scholars and enthusiasts and that is accurate, engaging, and elegant. We will read and consider all entries of appropriate length, and awards may be granted at more than one level.
ELIGIBILITY: This award may be granted to any current student of Classics at a secondary, collegiate, and/or graduate level institution in California or Nevada.
PRIZES: There will be a cash prize of $250 for each winning entry, and prizes may be awarded at each level, depending on the quality of the entries.
The winning essay(s) will be published on the CCA North website and in an edition of this year’s newsletter.
All entrants will be granted membership in CCA North for the next academic year.
Winners will be notified by the President of CCA by mail and/or e-mail, and will be recognized publicly at the Spring or Fall CCA conference.
GUIDELINES: The essay should be 750-1500 words, and should include no identifying information in the body of the essay.
Include a cover sheet with the following information:
Please send your submission and cover sheet by e-mail to [email protected], and include “Classics Essay Entry” in the subject line. Please submit only .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .pdf files. Submissions accepted on a rolling basis.
Essays will be judged on the basis of their thoughtfulness, creativity, and style, and should be free of grammatical and typographical errors.
The essay must be ready to publish and, if part of a longer piece, should be edited appropriately for a wide audience so that it can be appreciated intelligibly in its shorter form.
ELIGIBILITY: This award may be granted to any current student of Classics at a secondary, collegiate, and/or graduate level institution in California or Nevada.
PRIZES: There will be a cash prize of $250 for each winning entry, and prizes may be awarded at each level, depending on the quality of the entries.
The winning essay(s) will be published on the CCA North website and in an edition of this year’s newsletter.
All entrants will be granted membership in CCA North for the next academic year.
Winners will be notified by the President of CCA by mail and/or e-mail, and will be recognized publicly at the Spring or Fall CCA conference.
GUIDELINES: The essay should be 750-1500 words, and should include no identifying information in the body of the essay.
Include a cover sheet with the following information:
- your name and address
- your e-mail address
- the name and address of your school
- your academic level for the current year
- the name(s) of your current Classics teacher(s) or professors.
Please send your submission and cover sheet by e-mail to [email protected], and include “Classics Essay Entry” in the subject line. Please submit only .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .pdf files. Submissions accepted on a rolling basis.
Essays will be judged on the basis of their thoughtfulness, creativity, and style, and should be free of grammatical and typographical errors.
The essay must be ready to publish and, if part of a longer piece, should be edited appropriately for a wide audience so that it can be appreciated intelligibly in its shorter form.